
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

big brother 8 winner

Hey have you missed out the final episode of Big brother , don’t worry here is this

9:51 p.m Julie is about to count the votes! She reminds them that the winner will get $500,000 and the 2nd place winner, $50,000. Eric voted for Dick (we knew that one already but now Dick knows.) Jameka voted for Daniele. Dustin voted for Dick. Jen voted for Daniele. It’s 2-2! Zach voted for Dick. Amber voted Dick. Dick wins Big Brother 8!!! The Donatos hug. This will probably be “so frustrating!!!” for Daniele. Congratulations, Dick!

9:53 p.m.: Dick and Daniele come out and everyone is hugging them. Julie congratulates Dick. She has to fight through the crowd to get Dick and Daniele back at her side. After the commercial they’ll be back to share a few final words. 9:57 p.m. Julie reveals that Jessica voted for Dick to win. Dick won 5-2. Dick says he’s going on a trip. Daniele says she’s ecstatic and it doesn’t matter because “we won!” Julie will be interviewing Dick and Daniele tomorrow morning on The Early Show.
ok, ok I can understand You people are not satisfied yet…… Just watch this

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bird Flue

China will wipe out all poultry at a village near the city of Guangzhou in southern China after a recent outbreak of the H5N1 strain of the avian flu virus, the South China Morning Post reported, citing a local official.
Guangzhou vice-mayor Su Zequn said more than 100,000 birds would be destroyed to prevent the virus from spreading.
Hong Kong Health Secretary York Chow yesterday said the special administrative region, which borders Guangdong province where Guangzhou is located, has imposed a 21-day ban on imports of all live poultry, eggs and chilled or frozen meat from farms near the outbreak site.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

leave britney alone

This is fantastic YouTube clip which is getting lots of attention of people and media, and as much as I hate giving more valuable bytes to the human spiral of self-destruction that is former pop-tart Britney Spears, this one’s worth a look.
But it is my thinking that it is not real video which is doing comedy so you can say it is just comedy show. I thought it was legit when I first saw it, but watching his other videos makes me think it’s a very clever piss-take.If it is, it’s brilliant. If it’s not, the guy’s nuts, And yes, as far as I can tell, it is a he. Fooled me too at first, but the stubble really is a giveaway.