
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Harmful Stomach Fat

For people with a BMI of 34 or less, a fat belly is regarded as an additional health risk. Fatty tissue carries a greater health risk than fat located in the lower body around the butt and thighs. Some health studies show that abdominal fat leads to raised blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, insulin resistance syndrome (metabolic syndrome X) and heart disease.

Fat (extra calories) is largely a combination of gender, age and genetic inheritance. Men tend to store fat around their middle, whereas women typically store fat around the pelvic region, hips, butt and thighs (pear shape). However, women are prone to develop an apple shape in mid-life, after menopause. This is because the female hormones are present in smaller amounts and so their shape tends to become more 'male'. Studies show that abdominal fat can develop as a result of stress also.

How to Reduce a Fat Stomach?
The healthiest solution is to maintain a normal weight. By matching your calorie intake to your calorie needs and prevent weight gain, you will prevent the development of any excess fat. Follow a healthy weight loss diet, combined with fitness exercises such as aerobics (to burn extra calories) and a stomach-toning workout to help tighten and strengthen abdominal muscles

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