
Friday, October 31, 2008

.Net Development- Impact on Web Application Development

For developing web-based application, it is always a big question that which technology should be implement for application. Current era everybody wants robust and secured application, so companies wants to develop an application on .Net technology. .Net Development is not always easy for the US and European companies, because of higher rates of expert developer. So the companies are heading for Asian country for cost cutting. Net framework is the best technology for the web-based application; and it has various feature and methods for application development process, which gives the highest level of productivity and robust application.

There are many companies who are working on the .Net Framework and the latest tool such as ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX Silver light, XAML etc, have expertise in this particular technology. Here are some of the technology and tools for .net development.

Windows Forms
.NET Remoting
Web Services
Tools and Libraries
Enterprise Library
Development Environment
Visual Studio .NET
Visual Studio 2003 Enterprise Architect
Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Visual Studio 2008 Team System
Crystal Reports
DevExpress Xtra Reports
Aspose Components
MS SQL Reporting Services
Third-party Controls
Telerik R.A.D Web Controls
Infragistics NetAdvantage
DevExpress Controls
SharePoint Portal Server 2003
Office SharePoint Server 2007
Community Server BizTalk Server

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Top 10 Most Important SEO Point for Website

HOT SEO Practice:
1. Proper Title
2. Nice Description with keyword
3. Original Content
4. Keyword in URL
5. Keyword in Domain name
6. Keyword in Title tag
7. Keyword in H1, H2 and H3
8. Anchor text with inbound link
9. Site listed in DMOZ Directory
10. Site listed in Search engine Directory

BAD SEO Practice:

1. Text presented in graphics form only
2. Affiliate site
3. Link to a bad neighborhood
4. Redirect thru refresh Metatags
5. Vulgar language - ethnic slur
6. Excessive cross-linking
7. Stealing images/ text blocks from another domain
8. Keyword stuffing threshold
9. Zero back links to you
10. Cloaking

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fight with Your Financial Crisis

How to cop up with current financial crisis? Here are the Ideas. So strictly follow the following points:

credit card
1. Credit card: - Do not use credit cards to buy anything’s unless you have money in the account.

Bank Savings
2. Savings: - Make a proper savings budgets plan and continue with your investments in PPF, EPF, SIPs and gold. Most importantly, this is not the time to be adventurous for investing in short-term equity.

Share Market
3. Share Market: - Do not buy any shares now because it is a bear market. You will have to wait for 3 years to get returns of 10% p.a. you might lose everything in meantime.

4.House: - Defer purchase of house even from your own money as market is crashing. You will repent paying too much if you buy now.

Bank Loan
5. Bank Loan: - Do not take housing loan or bank loan even if interest goes down. Remember, your loan is what helps the builders or others to jack up prices artificially. Do not take any bank or other loans to buy durables, cars, houses etc, because future is uncertain. Do not buy if you don’t have means to buy today.

Staying in Hotel
6.Staying in Hotel: - Avoid posh hotels and restaurants where you pay 100% more just for so-called ambience for an hour.

7.Gift: - Do not indulge in gift culture by giving gifts indiscriminately. Avoid celebrating father, sister, brother, lover, hater, teacher day etc. They are only to fool you to spend.

PVR & Multiplexes
8.PVR & Multiplexes: - Avoid multiplexes where you pay double. Go to regular theaters.

9.Jobs: - If you got calls from headhunters and felt ultra-confident about you. But with changing times, it is more likely that these calls will slow down. Even your own company may not give much of a hike in the next year. But it's time that you do not look at hikes and increments. Instead, be defensive about your existing job. Take jobs in your own town as far as possible, where you have place to stay

Ignore People
10. Most Important: - Ignore people who criticize this advice. They won't help you in need.

Be Positive
***And last but not the least, always be positive. Bad time will soon run away**

I got these points on Rediff comment section. It is really very interesting.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Karthik Rajaram- killed himself including wife and his son

Karthik Rajaram- Pink Slip
Now our expensive living standard is paying. See the consequences why they commit such a heinous crime. Who is answerable for this no one can we blame on our society where we are living and the people who are running this society are they responsible? I think everybody should think again are we moving in a right direction…. No we are not moving in a right way. America a dream of every Asians and as a dream country, but now the reality coming in front of the world, you can survive anywhere in the world but you can not survive here in America without money. The way American livings are worse than any country because most of the American people are under the debt, but see this family, they could not able fight with this financial crisis. The person who wrote the latter 45-year-old Karthik Rajaram killed his wife, three sons and mother in law and himself.