
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Top 10 Most Important SEO Point for Website

HOT SEO Practice:
1. Proper Title
2. Nice Description with keyword
3. Original Content
4. Keyword in URL
5. Keyword in Domain name
6. Keyword in Title tag
7. Keyword in H1, H2 and H3
8. Anchor text with inbound link
9. Site listed in DMOZ Directory
10. Site listed in Search engine Directory

BAD SEO Practice:

1. Text presented in graphics form only
2. Affiliate site
3. Link to a bad neighborhood
4. Redirect thru refresh Metatags
5. Vulgar language - ethnic slur
6. Excessive cross-linking
7. Stealing images/ text blocks from another domain
8. Keyword stuffing threshold
9. Zero back links to you
10. Cloaking

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